- 类数组
- 没有继承 Array.prototype
- 可迭代
- 箭头函数内部没有 arguments
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function test() { console.log(arguments); console.log(arguments.toString()); console.log(Array.isArray(arguments)); console.log(arguments.callee); }
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| var obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
function * generator(args) { for (const item of args) { yield item; } }
var it = generator(obj);
🌈 arguments可以迭代
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| function * generator(args) { for (const item of args) { yield item; } }
function test() { var it = generator(arguments); console.log(it.next()); console.log(it.next()); console.log(it.next()); console.log(it.next()); }
test(1, 2, 3);
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| var test = () => { console.log(arguments); } test();
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| var test = (...args) => { console.log(args); console.log(Array.isArray(args)); } test(1, 2, 3);
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| var test = (...args) => { console.log(test); } test(1, 2, 3);
arguments 转真数组
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| function test() { var params = [].slice.call(arguments); console.log(params); }
test(1, 2, 3);
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| function test() { var params = arguments.length === 1 ? [arguments[0]] : Array.apply(null, arguments); console.log(params); }
test(1, 2, 3);
拿到实参 - 实参个数 > 形参个数
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| function test(a, b, c) { console.log(arguments[3]); } test(1, 2, 3, 4);
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| function add() { return [...arguments].reduce((pre, cur) => pre + cur, 0); }
const res = add(1, 2, 3); console.log(res);
🌈 形实参的对应关系 - 共享关系
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| function test(a) { arguments[0] = 10; console.log(a, arguments[0]); }
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| function test(a) { a = 10; console.log(a, arguments[0]); }
🌈 形参 - 只要有一个形参有默认值,arguments就不跟踪形参
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| function test(a = 100) { arguments[0] = 10; console.log(a, arguments[0]); } test(1);
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| function test(a = 100) { a = 10000; console.log(a, arguments[0]); } test(1);
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| function test(a, b, c = 10) { arguments[0] = 100; arguments[1] = 200; arguments[2] = 300; console.log(a, arguments[0]); console.log(b, arguments[1]); console.log(c, arguments[2]); } test(1, 2, 3);
🌈 形参 - 剩余参数,arguments不跟踪
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| function test(...args) { arguments[0] = 100; arguments[1] = 200; arguments[2] = 300; console.log(args[0], arguments[0]); console.log(args[1], arguments[1]); console.log(args[2], arguments[2]); } test(1, 2, 3);
🌈 形参 - 参数解构,arguments不跟踪
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| function test({ a, b, c }) { arguments[0] = 100; arguments[1] = 200; arguments[2] = 300; console.log(a, arguments[0]); console.log(b, arguments[1]); console.log(c, arguments[2]); } test({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
🌈 严格模式下 - arguments不跟踪
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| function test(a, b, c) { 'use strict'; a = 10; b = 20; c = 30; console.log(a, b, c); console.log([...arguments]); } test(1, 2, 3);
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| function test(a, b, c) { 'use strict'; arguments[0] = 10; arguments[1] = 20; arguments[2] = 30; console.log(a, b, c); console.log([...arguments]); } test(1, 2, 3);
内置方法/对象 or 内部方法
- 内置方法、对象:build-in methods/object
- 内部方法:internal methods